Sign up for a fun filled hands-on educational learning experience. If you have any questions about our outreach programs, please contact Patrick Pulis.
Following our discussion of Energy in a previous program, youth will now play a choice of a few board games. One board game will come from the National 4-H curriculum called Power Protectors. Another game, called Energy Nation, youth will learn how energy sources connect to a larger grid as youth compete to power the most households.
September: Soda Can Art
Youth will learn the art of upcycling soda cans to make beautiful works of art that move beautifully in the breeze. Youth will gain skills in working with hammers and nails and skills used in an industrial designer.
October: Rwanda Micro Solar Grids
Youth will learn about the work done by CSU research and professionals to help the citizens of Rwanda get fully powered by solar panel electrical grids. Youth will learn what a solar grid is and how it works. They will be able to take apart some solar lights and learn basics of how solar works. (optional: youth can take a field trip to see how farmers are using solar grids as a place for their animals to graze underneath a solar array)