Weld County 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus

(Pertains to Weld County 4-H Members Only!)

We are currently recruiting members for the 2023 Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) trip.  4-H Members need to be at least 15 years old or have completed the 9th grade at the time of travel.  To sign up, click on the events in your account in 4-H Online.  If you have questions about CWF, contact Kim.

What you need to know and do now

  1. Get excited! Check out the National 4-H Center Facebook Page and Twitter to get updates on what is happening there all summer long, to give you a taste of what you will experience when you travel there in 2026.
  2. Understand your project responsibility! Communicate with your Area Contact/Group Leader. They will provide updated information to you and help you plan fundraising opportunities. Attend as many CWF functions as possible; this keeps you in the loop and helps you get to know your traveling companions. Complete your CWF Record Book for fair, and do the activities included. The Top 10 will be awarded and honored at the Weld County Fair! Read the CWF General Guidelines, the CWF Year One Project Guidelines, and the 4-H Code of Conduct. If you miss a meeting, it is your responsibility to get the information you need – contact your Area Contact/Group Leader, Kim at the Extension Office, or the CWF Steering Committee.
  3. Understand your financial responsibility! Are you fundraising with your group and doing so under the 4-H guidelines? Are you donating money personally? Receiving contributions? Know the due dates for payments, and understand how fundraising through 4-H works.
  4. Get involved! Citizenship Washington Focus is about meeting new people – in your county, and eventually from all over the country when you get to the 4-H Center – and about contributing as a 4-H citizen and as a Colorado/US Citizen.
  5. Ask questions! If you don’t understand something, please ask! We are all in this together, and while the CWF project has a new face, the direction and goals are as solid as ever.
  6. Shine your 4-H Spirit! Be the positive 4-H Citizen that you are – be willing to help, and understand that this project takes work to complete the requirements and to raise the money needed. This project falls under the 4-H program because we are about “Making the Best Better!”
  7. Watch the 4-H Newsletter and Emails for upcoming CWF events. The Steering Committee is looking into future informational meetings, youth-only mixer events, and even county-wide fundraisers. Stay tuned!
  8. Dates you need to know for now:
  • Completed CWF Record books are due to the 4-H Building by 12:00 p.m. (Noon) on Monday, July 22, 2024
  • The payment schedule is as follows: 7/15/24 - $1,750; 7/15/25 - $1,750; 4/1/26 - $1,500
  • The 2026 Trip will be divided into 2 separate group trips, potentially 12 days in length, most likely all happening in June of 2026. The first 7 days are spent at the National 4-H Center in Washington, DC, then the remainder of the trip involves other educational touring and experiences. This will be solidified by the CWF Steering Committee in the coming months, as we are already working with ETI, the tour company that arranges most of the trip, and we are also in contact with the National 4-H Center.